付款方式 Payment
使用信用卡線上刷卡,各家銀行之 VISA、MASTER 及 JCB 信用卡皆可使用(須透過PayPal支付)。
You can pay by Visa, MasterCard, JCB card for our international order (payment via PayPal).
配送與出貨 Shipping + 運費計算 Shipping charge
▸ 訂單確認付款完成後,商品沒有調貨、缺貨、預購等狀況下7-21個工作天出貨。到貨時間由於國際配送時間較長,請耐心等候。
▸『SF EXPRESS 順豐快遞』:https://htm.sf-express.com/tw/tc/dynamic_function/waybill/
▸『EMS 中華郵政國際快捷』:http://postserv.post.gov.tw/pstmail/main_mail.html?targetTxn=EB500200
▸ S.F. Express is available to south east Asia region (SEA), China(Hong Kong and Macau customers.)
▸ Please allow up to 7-21 days to process your order. (not including weekends or holidays). Please note that some shipments may experience delays due to the customs clearance process, which are outside of our control.
▸ 『To track SF EXPRESS』 : https://htm.sf-express.com/tw/tc/dynamic_function/waybill/
▸ 『To track SF Express』:http://postserv.post.gov.tw/pstmail/main_mail.html?targetTxn=EB500200
《歐美地區EUROPE & AMERICA》國際運送 Chung-Hwa POST - 中華郵政
1. 請填寫完整正確國際英文地址、郵遞區號與聯絡電話,如因資料填寫不完整導致包裹無法送達,我方將不予負擔任何責任
2. 單筆訂單需滿 NT$2500 元
3. 一~四件,運費均為 NT$500 元
4. 五件(含)以上,運費均為 NT$1,000 元
5. 於結帳時,若您選擇不符合運送地址之正確運費,將會自動取消該訂單
6. 有任何問題請洽詢客服人員
Shipping instructions:
1. Please fill in correct International English address, post code and contact number, Nihow takes no responsibility if the package cannot be delivered due to wrong information.
2. The order have to over than NT$2500.
3. The freight will be NT$500 for purchase of 1-5 pcs.
4. The freight will be NT$1,000 for purchase above 5 pcs.
5. If you choose the freight which does not corresponding to your delivering address, the order will be cancelled automatically.
6. If you have any questions, please contact the CSR.
《亞洲地區 ASIA》國際運送 Chung-Hwa POST - 中華郵政
3.單筆訂單需滿 NT$1500 元
4.一~四件,運費均為 NT$400 元
5.五件(含)以上,運費均為 NT$800 元
Shipping instructions:
1. For other cities in Asia needs to provide the postal code and address in Chinese or English (Please specify in the note)
2. Please fill in correct International English address, post code and contact number, Nihow takes no responsibility if the package cannot be delivered due to wrong information.
3. The order have to over than NT$1500.
4. The freight will be NT$400 for purchase of 1-5 pcs.
5. The freight will be NT$800 for purchase above 5 pcs.
6. If you choose the freight which does not corresponding to your delivering address, the order will be cancelled automatically.
7. If you have any questions, please contact the CSR.
《中港澳地區》國際運送 SF Express - 順豐快遞
1.寄送至中國內地、香港、澳門等地區 (順豐快遞提供之收寄件地區)
3.單筆訂單需滿 NT$1500 元
4.一~三件,運費均為 NT$200 元
5.四~五件,運費均為 NT$400 元
6.六件(含)以上,運費均為 NT.800 元
Shipping instructions:
1. Shipping area includes Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau where SF express presents.
If the delivery address is not accepted by SF express, Nihow has the right to cancel the order and refund directly.
2. Please fill in correct English address, post code and contact number, Nihow takes no responsibility if the package cannot be delivered due to wrong information.
3. The order have to over than NT$1500.
4. The freight will be NT$200 for purchase of 1-3 pcs.
5. The freight will be NT$800 for purchase of 4-5 pcs 6. The freight will be NT $800 for purchase above 6 pcs.
7. If you choose the freight which does not corresponding to your delivering address, the order will be cancelled automatically.
8. If you have any questions, please contact the CSR.
售後服務 Service
▸ 因海外地區航空包裹運送費時,跨國退款作業繁複,故無法提供國外會員退換貨服務。
▸ 國外買家若收到瑕疵商品,請於收到貨七天內E-mail至客服信箱[email protected],告知瑕疵狀況,超過期限無法受理。
▸ 瑕疵退貨請先自付運費並使用【順豐快遞或中華郵政國際快捷】將包裹退回,待收到退回包裹後,我們將貼補運費給您(郵資補貼上限為新台幣 120元),以上瑕疵退貨服務只限定國外會員。
▸ Depends on the charge of air delivery, we do not accept returns or exchanges for international order.
▸ If you received any damage item, we’d be happy to help fix the problem. Please simply contact our Customer Care team service [email protected] to request a refund service within 7 days from the date you received your order. Please return the package by EMS or S.F. Express. CABRÓN Jewelry & Co.,Ltd will pay NT$120 shipping costs for your return.
▸ Damage service is only for International shipping.
Thanks to our meticulous and attentive delivery process, your order will be delivered to you safe and sound.
©2013 CABRÓN Jewelry Co., Ltd Allrights Reserved.